Last updated: 26.02.2024.


"SKYDIVE BOOK" - hereinafter referred to as the "application". The application is intended solely for personal use. The application is not an official confirmation that the user of the application is a professional skydiver. The application serves as an optional addition to the official parachute book or certificate of a skydiver of any category exclusively for personal use and assistance in recording parachute jumps.

The jumps recorded in the Skydive Logbook are not evidence of these jumps and cannot be regarded as a basis for issuing official documents, certificates, categories, as well as any other official documents. The application is designed for personal use, convenience of skydiving and advanced analytics. It is necessary to fill out the official documentation and sign the completed jumps exclusively with your instructor. The data on the loading of the main dome are reference information and are not of a recommendatory nature for choosing parachute equipment. All permits for the operation of parachutes must be issued by a valid instructor. Any information regarding the loading of the main and spare dome must be obtained from your current instructor.


Skydiving is a very dangerous sport. Failure to comply with safety rules when performing skydiving can lead to damage, injury or death and it is your responsibility to monitor safety, but not the developer's. By using this application, you confirm that you take full responsibility for your life and your safety and have no complaints against the developer of the application. By using this application, you agree that the data received here may be erroneous, and you also agree that you take all the risk and risk on yourself. You also waive claims against the application developer in case of damage, injury or death.


This application is only software, which means it may contain errors and you agree to this.

Do not rely on this application to replace your parachute book or skydiver's certificate, so keep your documentation in official documents.


This document may change from time to time. Therefore, in order to stay up to date with up-to-date information, you should return to reading this document. Any changes will be posted here on this page. These changes will take effect immediately after they are posted on this page.


The application saves the data entered by the user regarding the skydiving, namely:

• The date of the parachute jump.

• The name of the location where the parachute jump was performed.

• The aircraft from which the parachute jump was performed.

• The type of jump that the skydiver performed.

• The height from which the parachutist left the aircraft.

• The free fall time of the skydiver from the moment of leaving the aircraft to the opening of the main canopy of the parachute.

• The status of the jump (whether the main parachute was unhooked or not is optional information).

• Comment on the jump (this is an optional ifnormation).

The list of all jumps is formed into a general table on the main screen of the application in chronological order: from the last jump to the very first (sorting is carried out by the date of the jump).

The statistics section allows you to demonstrate the following information to the application user based on the entered data:

• The total number of parachute jumps.

• The number of jumps made in a given year.

• Classification of the international category (according to the United States Parachuting Association)

• The total number relative to the height of all skydiving.

• The total amount of free fall time relative to all skydiving.

• Maximum free fall time.

• The maximum height of the parachute jump.

• The minimum height of the parachute jump.

• The maximum number of jumps performed in one day (+ the date of that day).

• The number of detachments of the main parachute and the commissioning of the reserve parachute.

• The date of the last parachute jump (and the number of days ago from the date of the last jump).

• The date of the first parachute jump (and the number of days ago from the date of the first jump).

• A list with the number of parachute jumps relative to the types of parachute jump tasks.

• A list of the 10 most frequently used types of skydiving tasks.

• The number of aircraft from which parachute jumps were performed.

• The number of types of parachutes with which parachute jumps were performed.

• The number of names of places where parachute jumps were performed.

The user can enter data about a new jump independently and click the "save" button, provided that the necessary data for saving is entered: the date of the jump, the name of the jump location, the type of aircraft, the name of the parachute, the type of jump task, the height of the jump with a parachute, the time of free fall. The jump will be added to the data array and will be displayed in the statistics. If, during the recording of a parachute jump, the user wants to stop recording at any stage of filling in the jump, then he can click the "clear" button and all fields will be returned to their original empty state and the jump data will not be added to the general data array. At any time, the user can delete any previously recorded jump from the main page of the application. Using a swipe, you can swipe in the main table for the selected skydive, after which you can confirm the deletion of the jump in the pop-up window, or refuse to delete it (if the swipe was made unintentionally). If the jump is deleted, it will also not be displayed in the application statistics. The user can independently make notes in the application (separate screen). The user can use these notes according to their own purpose. You can pin a note to the very top of the list of notes using a swipe on the right side of the screen. You can also delete a note using a swipe on the right side of the screen - in this case, the note will be deleted immediately without first asking about deleting the note.

In the "Account" section, the user can independently enter and delete data:

• a list of locations (names of places where parachute jumps can be performed).

• a list of aviation equipment from which skydiving can be performed.

• a list of possible types of parachutes with which parachute jumps can be performed.

The user can completely edit these lists on his own: add new data, as well as delete data. All information regarding these lists is stored only on the user's device.

Download Calculator:

Using this calculator, the application user can calculate the load of the main parachute dome for reference.

The loading of the dome is only a reference information and is calculated using the formula:

The total weight in kilograms (the weight of the skydiver plus the weight of the parachute equipment) is multiplied by 0.45. A certain value is obtained (measured in pounds). Next, this value is divided into the potential area of the parachute dome (measured in square feet). The resulting value is called the loading of the main parachute canopy. Since this information is for reference, but in some cases not of a recommendatory nature, there is information about it in the result field: you need to get information about the download from your instructor. It is also described in the "background information" section. This calculator is an optional opportunity for the application user to understand the essence and the need to calculate the loading of the parachute canopy.

Background information:

The background information includes a brief description of the application, as well as links to the "privacy policy" and "rules of use" of this application.

Premium version:

This page tells you that the free version of the application can save <= 50 skydiving. The possibility to save more than 50 parachute jumps is not provided. To add more jumps, you can subscribe for 1 or 12 months. For the duration of the purchase, the user of the application has the opportunity to add and save new skydiving. Thus, there can be more than 50 jumps. After the expiration of the purchase period and if the purchase was not extended further, the user may have saved more than 50 skydives, but there will no longer be an opportunity to add new jumps. The functionality of the application can be supplemented over time. In case of modification or deletion or addition of new data, the information will be provided in this document.

The application used the following tools and libraries to create it:

Xcode is an application development environment.

Swift is a programming language.

Foundation is a library of the swift programming language.

UIKit is a user interface library.

SwiftUI is a user interface library.

Lottie is a library for displaying animated images.

WebKit - library displaying the Internet browser.

AVAudio is a library for playing audio files.

Realm for save data.

AlertKit for show alerts.

The design of the application was created by the developer of this application.

The color schemes and user interface were created by the developer of this application.

The application logo was created by the developer of this application.

The audio files were created by the developer of this application.

The application uses colors, fonts, SF symbols provided by the Xcode development environment and owned by Apple.

Lottie animation was get for free on the website https://lottiefiles.com

Any content and logos in the app are the property of the app developer.

In case of copyright claims, you can contact the application developer via email malyshewandrew@protonmail.com


If you have any questions or comments regarding the privacy policy, please contact the developer at: malyshewdeveloper@protonmail.com

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